As the City of Newark prepared to celebrate its 350th anniversary in 2016, Elizabeth Del Tufo, President of the Newark Preservation and Landmarks Committee and one of Newark’s best-known civic activists and ambassadors, did a presentation on the city's history at Durand-Hedden House.
Newark is the nation's third oldest city. Much of America’s history can be seen in the streets of Newark, from its founding through the years of immigration and migration, development of industry and commerce, and the unrest of the 1960s to its present role as it begins to take its place as a destination city, proud of its rich history and promising future.
Ms. Del Tufo talked about landmarks which illustrate each period, including Old First Church, Washington Park, The Ballantine House, Branch Brook Park, Forest Hill, The Rock, Newark Penn Station, Terminal One, James St. Commons, NJPAC, and Prudential Tower. There are 75 buildings on the State and National Registers and six historic districts in Newark.